
(2024). Using gradients to check sensitivity of MCMC-based analyses to removing data. In DiffAE 2024.

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(2024). Are you using test log-likelihood correctly?. In TMLR.

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(2023). On regularization and inference with label constraints. In ICML 2023.

(2023). Independent finite approximations for Bayesian nonparametric inference. Bayesian Analysis Advance Publication.

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(2022). Measuring the robustness of Gaussian processes to kernel choice. In AISTATS 2022.

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(2020). Approximate cross-validation for structured models. In NeurIPS 2020.

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(2020). Optimal transport couplings of Gibbs samplers on partitions for unbiased estimation. In AABI 2021.

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(2018). PAC-Bayes Tree: weighted subtrees with guarantees. In NeurIPS 2018.

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